Artwork for A Living Testimony
Embarking on your spiritual journey can feel overwhelming, whether you're just starting out, unsure of your next steps, or navigating through tough times and seeking guidance. Remember, you are right where you need to be. A Living Testimony offers a welcoming environment to hear the heartfelt stories of individuals who have faced similar struggles and emerged stronger. I also tackle topics that are needed to endure storms and be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We all encounter turbulent times, but it's our responsibility to seek the wisdom that allows us to reach out to God for salvation. Think of this podcast as your roadmap to moving beyond the wilderness sooner rather than later. Together, we share laughter, celebrate, testify, and most importantly, impart wisdom through our experiences. Welcome home!
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo

A Living Testimony

Embarking on your spiritual journey can feel overwhelming, whether you're just starting out, unsure of your next steps, or navigating through tough times and seeking guidance. Remember, you are right where you need to be. A Living Testimony offers a welcoming environment to hear the heartfelt stories of individuals who have faced similar struggles and emerged stronger. I also tackle topics that are needed to endure storms and be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We all encounter turbulent times, but it's our responsibility to seek the wisdom that allows us to reach out to God for salvation. Think of this podcast as your roadmap to moving beyond the wilderness sooner rather than later. Together, we share laughter, celebrate, testify, and most importantly, impart wisdom through our experiences. Welcome home!
This podcast is hosted by Captivate's Logo